
Showing posts from November, 2017

Using Technology for learning and Assessing that math learning!

Hey guys, So today we began our class looking at different ways to integrate technology into our tech classrooms. We discovered that there are now so many games or apps to go along with whatever lesson you want to teach. I presented today using the money by mathies app. This app can be downloaded for free and can be used for any grade. It is a virtual cash draw that can help to visual money without having actual money in students hands. As they get into older grades they need to learn how to add, subtract, multiply and divide money into higher and higher denominations. You can create your lesson using this such as I created a simple word sheet that asked you to represent certain amounts of money based on loonies, toonies, nickles, dimes, quarters, and bills. I also asked a general question to gauge where students are such as if you have two bills and 5 coins what would you have and how did you come to this.  Next Ryan had a game called Math Duel. This was a great

using data to predict probability

Hey everyone, Doucette, K. Nov. 17th 2017. "Winner Winner, Lucky Spinner." Retrieved from own personal library Here we do again this time let's figure out how to display and how to figure out probability. Two exciting topics we may use in our everyday lives. In our groups today Tyler did a wonderful display of probability using a spinner. He developed a game that was appropriate for grade 5 students. He is using an unfair spinner to figure out what the probability would be of landing on each colour. He picked 3 colours with different variables of all. This made it an unfair spinner. To make it fair when first learning you could make the spinner have all equal colours on the spinner. The exercise was then to see after 10 spins how many variables you land on to see if your predictions were right. In our case they were not right as I landed more on green than any other colour. To add in another part of the curriculum students  could make the spinners into an art proj

Let's get measuring

hello everyone, Doucette, K. Nov. 10th 2017. "Perimeter and Area." Retrieved from own personal library Today we're exploring the wonderful world of measurement. Our peers today included 3 different activities that involved measurement. Pictured to the left we had an activity that started with the basics of area and perimeter. Something we learn in grade 4. There was a goal of figure out how many rectangles you could make (using the blocks) that made an area of 36. Younus started a quick lesson with how to find area (length times width) and perimeter (length plus width plus length plus width). With this in mind we could find 10 possibilities which was actually translated to 5 possibilities with 5 others being an inverse of each other. After this we could find the perimeter which was easily seen with the blocks. This can make it easier for some students to visually see. However we need to take into consideration when counting the sides we need to think of the perimete

Shapes and symmetry and location oh my!

Hello Everyone, Drake, P. July 27, 2015. "Van Hiele Stages." Retrieved from Welcome back to my amazing world of math blog. Today we will be discussing shapes and lines of symmetry. To begin we will be looking at the Van Hiele learning steps. This is where we will be learning how our students are developing through the stages of geometry. Stage 0 is visualization. This is where the student can classify a shape (usually starting in kindergarten and developing as more and more shapes are added). Between primary and junior grade we see students move from stages 0 into 1 and then into 2. Stage 1 is the analysis stage in which they analyze different shapes and learn the properties of those shapes. Stage 2 comes informal deduction which is where we see relationships among the properties. This can be seen through connection/interconnections, differences, and similarities). Stages 3 and 4 develop through the intermediate and beyond years. Stage 3 is deduction in which students s