Let's make math easy for everyone!
Hello fellow teachers (candidates), Today I'd like to delve into the topic of differentiation when it comes to math. We know that as teachers we really need to delve into this notion that we need to accommodate for all learners. Teachers run into this dilemma of how do we accommodate for all our students and make sure that everyone is thriving in some way. How can we as teachers make sure that our strong students are challenged enough while our struggling students don't fall further behind? Good question! This is where differentiation becomes key. We as teachers need to focus on the fact that not all students learn the same or can keep up with each other but we need to offer incentives to keep going for those who struggle and challenges for those who need further enrichment. From the article I read in my class Differentiation Math Instruction I was able to narrow down 3 important rules when it comes to differentiating: Focus the instruction needed on key concepts. Lea...